Retirement+ Legislation

Lead Sponsors: Rep. Alice Peisch (D-Wellesley) and Rep. Rob Consalvo (D-Boston | Sen. Liz Miranda (D-Boston)
These bills allow teachers hired before July 1, 2001, who did not provide a written election to participate in RetirementPlus, to have a second opportunity to do so.
H.2932 | S.1884 | Fact Sheet
Bills have been filed by Rep. Alice Peisch (D-Wellesley) and Rep. Rob Consalvo (D-Boston), and Sen. Liz Miranda (D-Boston) allowing teachers hired before July 1, 2001, who did not “elect” to join RetirementPlus to have a new opportunity to do so. These bills are nearly identical to a bill (H.5136) that passed the House in 2024. The MTA has once again made the passage of this bill one of its legislative priorities and is asking members to reach out to their legislators to request their help in getting this bill passed into law.
In 2001, when RetirementPlus was first introduced, many teachers encountered a confusing enrollment process. Some never received an enrollment form while others were led to believe they were automatically enrolled in Retirement Plus, only later learning that they were not. The MTA has worked to rectify these issues administratively, however, an August 2023 ruling by the Division of Administrative Law Appeals has made it clear that legislation is needed to fix this problem.
In the ruling, DALA stated “that a 2001 teacher cannot join the § 5(4) benefits program [RetirementPlus] after missing the mid-2001 deadline, even in sympathy-provoking cases, and even if the teacher received no notice about the § 5(4) program” from their retirement system. This unfortunate but clear statement from DALA makes passing legislation the only way to rectify this unfair process.
Read Our Legislative Priorities Frequently-Asked Questions
Take Action: Call on your legislators to co-sponsor RetirementPlus bills
Please contact your state legislators and ask them to co-sponsor HD.3452 and SD.2208, which will give teachers a second chance to enroll in RetirementPlus.
About RetirementPlus legislation
Learn about several bills under consideration by the Joint Committee on Public Service that would allow teachers hired before July 1, 2001, and who did not “elect” to join RetirementPlus, to have a second opportunity to do so. This webinar was presented on Nov. 14, 2023. The bills were filed in the 2023-24 legislative session.